A grading system for Flight Instructors

A PWA that allows flight instructors to grade students’ performances while in the simulator. It allows the instructor to grade the student’s exercises while they teach and then use it to review student performance after a session.

May 2021
Progressive Web App
Matthew B.

They needed a system built from scratch that would also serve as a CRM.

“I see a need for this application in my field, it is a very specialized field but I am confident that this tool will improve all parties concerned …The Student, The Instructor, The Manufacturer, The Students company, The FAA, The NTSB.”
Matthew B.

Database Design
Designed & Developed a MongoDB database to store data in the system
Server & API Development
Designed & Developed API endpoints necessary for the backend to talk to the frontend
Frontend Dev. & Deployment
Designed and Developed the frontend of the application and connected it to the API Server.
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