An API That synchronizes data between ✌ legacy systems, periodically.

Designed, Built, and deployed an internal, secured, and scalable API System that the business owner can use to Synchronize inventory between 2 separate legacy systems.

July 2020
API Development
Parin S.

They needed the synchronization to happen periodically, or whenever there is an inventory change.

“I need a way to integrate inventory to a selling channel in order to sync inventories and keep them up to date”
Parin S.

API Development
Designed and Developed custom endpoints to allow a smoother synchronization between systems.
Scheduler & Security
Developed a Scheduler to perform the sync. every X mins, & Implemented JWT for API Security.
Deployment & Monitoring
Developed a simple web page where the business can track logs from each synchronization.
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Reinventing the Way you Inventory Is Managed.

What are you waiting for?

Let me build a custom system to help your business manage inventory more efficiently and effectively.

Let's Get To Work!